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Dynamic Number Insertion Overview

Analyze marketing effectiveness beyond digital metrics by auto-inserting campaign-specific numbers on your website and tracking phone calls

Georgiana Mirita avatar
Written by Georgiana Mirita
Updated over a week ago

Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) - is a marketing tracking function where you can automatically swap in a campaign-specific phone number on your website to ensure all lead sources get proper attribution for inbound success. Without DNI, if someone lands on your website from an ad, but places a phone call to you rather than complete a form - you would not know how truly effective that campaign has been.
Live phone calls are always preferred to form fills because you make a connection faster, start qualifying immediately, and build a strong relationship from the jump. It eliminates back-and-forth of trying to connect with a lead and stops prospects from browsing to your competitors' sites.

DNI can help you build the case for the effectiveness of ads and know where to allocate your marketing budget for pipeline success. It allows for a seamless, automated experience of using different phone number for each campaign and digital property (including websites) so lead generation can be properly traced back to that lead source.

We strongly suggest that you involve your web developer in setting up DNI, as you must place the tracking code in specific locations on your website.

Dynamic Number Insertion with Call Tracking

Call tracking allows attribution of phone calls to marketing spend. By assigning each campaign a specific number, you can tie activity on those numbers to data from an advertising source, along with keywords, sessions, or campaigns. It offers visibility into virtual campaigns and allows accurate measurement of marketing return on investment (ROI).

With the use of Dynamic Number Insertion, which allows Call Attribution for digital activities, marketing/advertising teams get the data they need to focus on the ads and key phrases that are driving the most qualified leads - whether they convert online or over the phone. You get the full picture of the effectiveness of your marketing spend by including phone calls.

How does Dynamic Number Insertion work?

The mechanism behind DNI is quite simple: you assign a unique phone number to an ad or lead source. Any subsequent calls to that number can be attributed to that campaign.

  1. Consumer lands on your website from the ad (online or offline)

  2. DNI displays the campaign specific unique number (based on the lead source)

  3. When the phone number is called, your team knows to credit the proper ad.

Phone numbers can even be to linked to specific online activities. This way, marketers can recognize which advertising interest drove the maximum site visitors, which key phrases led to engagement, and which conversations turned into conversions.

Moreover, DNI is a flexible tool that allows marketers to test various campaigns and phone numbers to find the perfect optimization strategy. Once it is set up on your website, you can swap in/out the phone numbers you want from within your smrtPhone dashboard.

DNI Configuration

Generally speaking, DNI uses a Java Script Code to be enabled - this code will swap out the phone numbers seen by potential leads - depending on your preset DNI settings.

learn more DNI overview

πŸ’‘ DNI Setup β‡’

πŸ’‘ DNI Troubleshooting β‡’

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