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Multi-Agent Simultaneous Calling Single smrtDialer Campaign

You can have more than one agent dialing a single smrtDialer Campaign at the same time.

Ellen Sluder avatar
Written by Ellen Sluder
Updated over a year ago

Multiple Agents β€” Same Time, Same Campaign

Users of smrtDialer can have more than one agent dial a single campaign simultaneously. Agents simply start another session while other agent(s) are running the campaign.

  • Assign multiple agents to a single campaign

  • Ask them to dial at the same time

The calls will be distributed between the agents. No one will call the same leads at the same time.

All Campaign Settings will remain the same for each agent - the same voicemail drop, call back, Caller ID/Number Pool, and so on.

Each agent will need to be assigned a seat. For example, if you want 5 agents dialing a campaign, you must have 5 seats.

πŸ’‘ Seat maanagement in smrtDialer β‡’

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