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Enable Auto Top-Up

How to sign up for automatic recharge, which will replenish your account credit when your balance falls below a set amount

Tudor Deak avatar
Written by Tudor Deak
Updated over a week ago

Avoid downtime caused by a negative account balance by enabling the Auto Top-Up option.

You can enable Auto Top-Up by clicking the green ADD FUNDS button in the upper right navigation.

In the newly opened window, click where it says Click here to configure.

The Add Funds + Auto Top-Up Options can only be accessed by Account Owners and users who have been granted this permission.

You can set the trigger amount and the target amount. We will only charge your payment method when your balance falls below the trigger amount. You can also change your payment method by clicking the Change card button. 

What should You set your Auto Top Up to?

The ideal Auto Top Up settings are unique to each company. We recommend starting with a conservative estimate for the recharge amount and adjusting it over time.

It may take a month or two of charges for you to get a sense of how much usage is normal for your business. Once you know, you can set your threshold so you don't have excessive credit card charges and always have the pre-paid amount you need to conduct business seamlessly.

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