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How to dial leads in smrtDialer campaign from CRM Lead List

How to open a campaign and start dialing leads in your smrtDialer campaigns

Ellen Sluder avatar
Written by Ellen Sluder
Updated over a week ago

Access Call Sessions

After accessing smrtDialer from the Admin Dashboard, from the main table of campaigns, select the one you'd like to dial.

If you have not dialed this campaign in a while, we recommend re-syncing contacts from CRM to make sure any updates are incorporated. If you are confident in your list, you can simply move ahead with running the Campaign.

Once you are inside the campaign you'd like to dial and confident it has been recently synced, you can start a new dialing session by clicking the ▶️ New Call Session button.

Start Calling

Once you click New Call Session to run the campaign, you will be placed online, but dialing will be paused. Press any of the Start buttons to start dialing.

Of course, if this campaign was run before, you can see the status on the right and might need to confirm Restart.


Under the Settings menu at the top, you can toggle on/off Auto-Resume Calling which will set whether you'd like continuous calling - where the next call will dial as soon as the first is completed - or if you'd like to manually restart the calls.

Moreover, from here you can also toggle on/off the A.I. Detection, and the theme (white or dark), and lower on this pop-out window, you have the sound settings (microphone and speaker).

If you don't have the Auto-Resume on after a call you must click the ▶️Start Calling button in the upper right to unpause. You will see the lines begin to dial.

Activating A.I. Voice Detection might cause some delays in calling, but it saves your time in dealing with robots. Also, A.I. Voice Detection costs $0.01 per connected call. If the call is not answered, you will not be charged.

Connected calls

When a call is connected, you will see the progress on each line—in a multi-liner subscription case—and what the result is with each outbound call.

Once the call connects, the information for the lead will populate the screen. You can address the call, follow the script (if included), take notes, and complete the call when you are ready.

On the top of the current Lead Window, you can also see what happened with the other lines calling (if the case - they got a Callback message, they reached Voicemail, the call was missed, and so on), the status of the campaign, or mute or unmute your microphone, go on a break option, Close session button, and, as we mentioned before, the Settings.

If you are a Pro User and activated AI Tools on your account, the feature is on by default. You can turn it off for each individual call, and it will be automatically turned on for the next. If you decide that you want an AI free session, you can turn it off from your campaign's settings.

smrtDialer Campaigns AI

You can also head to Account Settings to toggle it off, just be aware that this action will be enabled for the entire account.

Options on Call

After you get an answered call, you get more options on the current line. From using the keypad inside the dialer to sending a message, dropping a voicemail (if the case), transferring the call, holding the call, or ending the call.

  • ☎️ Keypad - Use the keyboard inside the smrtDialer whether using the mouse or your computer's keyboard.

  • ✉️ Send SMS - Send a text message while on a call without leaving this window or hanging up the call.

  • Drop Voicemail - In case you do not have AIVoice Detection on and you reach a leads's Voicemail, now you can drop yours manually.

  • 📞 Transfer Call - smrtPhone Pro subscribers have the option of a warm transfer or group call. smrtPhone Standard subscribers can simply pass the call with a cold transfer.

  • ⏸️ Hold Call - The option to hold the current call. (Available for Pro subscribers)

  • Hang up - End a call at your convenience.

  • AI Tool - You can turn it off during the call, but not on. It will be automatically on at the beginning of each call.

Agent Presence: go on a Break

When an agent selects to Go on a break, the system tracks this break time, giving more detailed call session information and a better understanding of campaign/list performance. You can come back to your campaign by hitting the Resume button.

Pressing the Resume button will take you back to the campaign, ready to call again.

Once here, you can see what happened to all the leads that were called before the break. This is available at any point, as long you are not in an active call.

This status is called idle and allows you to take some time for yourself.

Idle status

After a call, if you do not have Auto-Resume activated, you can see what happened to all leads that you called at once.

For example, if you have a multi-line subscription, at the end of the call, you can observe all the details in the short session of calling that just happened, if there was a callback pushed, a voicemail, or other scenarios.

The Idle Status lets you see these details and moreover, on the right part of the window, you can notice the Session Log's details, including what happened with all the calls in this session up until this moment.

There are five possible statuses:

  • Idle - Nothing is happening

  • Dialing - The line(s) are active

  • Active Call/Talking - The agent is connected on a live line

  • Finishing - The call has ended and the agent is entering notes or call statuses to finalize the call

  • On Break - The agent is paused

What Happens if Two Lines Answer at the Same Time?

If a second line is connected simultaneously with your first, it will be labeled as Callback pushed. They will receive your callback recording, which should indicate that you will call them right back. When you have finished the first call and are ready to unpause dialing again, that callback number will be the first to be dialed.

Hence, near the status, you are notified about any awaited call, as a callback waited by a lead. So, once you click Call next lead in Callback, the system will call all leads that are waiting for a call back before calling the next in line in your list.

Seeing Dialed Leads in your CRM

If you used an Excel-based campaign, you can use the option to push qualified leads to your CRM. If you run a CRM-based campaign, you can see calls within your CRM.

Also, on the bottom of the Lead Window, along with seeing the Caller ID, access to CRM to see call or lead, and Push to CRM button, you can also see Communication History, in case there is any, you can see that in a new tab that pops-up.

Before closing a call, please add your call status of this call. Some smrtDialer Call Statuses are set by default by the system, and some integrated CRMs can customize additional ones. Select the proper call status to clear the call. Proper call status tracking is extremely important to make smrtDialer work most efficiently for you.

The mute button is there for you at any point while running call sessions within campaigns.

Multi-agent Calling on the Same Campaign

smrtDialer users have the option to start another session while an agent is running the campaign. You simply access the smrtDialer Campaigns, and you can start another session while an agent is running the same campaign.

The calls will be distributed; you will not call the same leads at the same time. All the features/configurations of the campaign will remain the same. Also, you can still use the same Caller ID(s)/Number Pool.

Close Session

The final option in the Options bar is the Close Session button, which ends this session and takes you back to the list of Campaigns.

We recommend clicking on the Close Session button before exiting the tab/browser, to ensure proper data tracking.

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