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How to Send an Outbound Text Message with smrtPhone in Salesforce
How to Send an Outbound Text Message with smrtPhone in Salesforce

How to start or reply to a text message

Ellen Sluder avatar
Written by Ellen Sluder
Updated over 2 months ago

Text messages can be sent from any dialer within the smrtPhone platform. This article walks you through how to send messages from within Salesforce.

Starting a New Text Conversation

When you access the smrtPhone dialer within Salesforce, you can send a text by clicking the blue Message button:

This will open a dialogue box where you can select the contact (or enter a phone number) and type the content of the message. Simply hit the Send Message button and it’s done!

Replying to an Existing Text Conversation

Additionally, you can send a text by clicking the Inbox button and choosing to reply to an existing conversation.

For outgoing texts to numbers that don’t exist in your Leads, there will be only a standalone Task created in the tasks app.

Documentation for SMS API

Please note you should talk to a developer before using the API Tokens.

Locate your API Token

First, locate your API Token that is available in the Admin Menu - available to all smrtPhone the Account Owner and some Users. This is a unique key that is specific to your smrtPhone account.

smrtPhone SMS API & Parameters

To interact with the API, you can send a POST to the below URL. Your API token must be in the request's header.

There are six possible parameters:

(These parameters will make more sense when you see the example below)

  • < from= > The smrtPhone number that’s sending the text - REQUIRED

  • < to= > The recipient phone number - REQUIRED

  • < message= > The content of the text - REQUIRED. Note: using \n will generate a line break/soft return in the text message received by the contact.

  • < sfRecordId= > the CRM record from which the text was sent - for greater granularity, better tracking, and enhanced automation.

  • < sfUserId= > The user who sent the text - to link the outbound text to their smrtPhone inbox.

  • < smrtPhoneGroupId= > The Team Inbox in which the outgoing automated message should appear. The Group ID is found by expanding the Team within the User Management section of the Admin Panel and looking below the Rename & Delete buttons.

Please be advised that there is a limit of 200 text messages per day, per number until you are registered for A2P 10DLC.

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