Use API functionality to ensure that numbers marked as SPAM in your CRM are automatically marked as SPAM within smrtPhone, as well.
To set up this API trigger requires setting up specific parameters.
This can be a bit technical, and we recommend involving developers if you need help.
smrtPhone Spam API & Parameters
To interact with the API from your CRM, you can send a POST REQUEST to the below URL. Your API token must be in the header of the request.
Endpoint for ADDING a number to the SPAM list
Header: X-Auth-smrtPhone
Body Parameter: phone
Endpoint for DELETING a number from the SPAM list:
Header: X-Auth-smrtPhone
Body Parameter: phone
You can view and modify your SPAM List by heading over to Admin > SPAM Numbers. Here you can manually add a number to your SPAM List, or delete an existing one.