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View Call, Text Message and Video Logs

Use the smrtPhone Web App to view Call, Text (SMS/MMS) activity using a variety of filters

Tudor Deak avatar
Written by Tudor Deak
Updated over a week ago

Call, Text and Video Logs are a great way to understand your billing, as well as get an overview of communication activity. From inside your smrtPhone Web App, you'll get more detail, especially regarding pricing, than you'll see in your CRM. Please note that, depending on your User Permissions, you may not be able to access the logs outlined in this article.

Call Logs and SMS logs report on all Communications transactions by month.

Here's a video to give you an overview of Logs:

(Disclaimer: the above video does not show Video Call Logs as it was recorded before video went live, but the functionality is the same)

Where Can I Find Billing & Logs?

Your logs are available under your Account Menu, in the upper right corner.

billing and logs ss

Your logs are separated by type of communication:

Call Logs

When looking at your Call Logs, note that there are multiple pieces of information that you can use. On the top of the window, there are also filters to use, to narrow your search for a particular call.

  • User - Who placed or received the call

  • Created - The date and time the phone call occurred

  • Direction - Inbound or Outbound

  • Call Outcome - There are 5 possible Call Outcomes and they are automatically assigned by the system:

    • Ongoing - The call (inbound or outbound) is currently happening

    • Completed - The phone call ended. The Completed call outcome can occur in a voicemail-reach call status situation - outbound calls

    • Missed - The caller was not available or it just missed the phone call. The Missed call outcome can occur in a voicemail-reach call status situation - inbound calls

    • Busy - The receiver was busy when you called

    • No answer - No one picked up your call

  • Call Status - You can have the default statuses that are provided by smrtPhone or customize your own. Please, be aware of your CRM Integration capabilities when comes to customizing call statuses. You can and a phone call without a call status, although we do not recommend it.

  • From Number* - The phone number you called from

  • To Number* - The phone number you called on

  • Price - Displayed per call. See more information about smrtPhone Pricing

  • Duration - The call duration

  • Time Frame - Select the start date and the and data, and hit Apply

filter logs ss

The Creation Date / Price/ Duration filters can be sorted further using the up/down arrows. From the results, you can also view:

  • CRM Item - This takes you to the call record in your CRM

  • Associated Call Recording - Where you can listen, view details, delete the recording or reprocess call

When filtering with the phone number, type the whole number. Just a few digits will not provide any result.

  • Accepted: 12345678912 / +12345678912

  • Not accepted: 12345 / 123 / 12345678 and so on

  • Also not accepted: any spaces or parenthesis: (123) 45678912

Downloading Call Logs

Use the same filters to create an accurate report and export the Call Logs. Access Billing & Logs > Call Logs. Once here, you will see the Export button grayed out. It will remain like this until you start entering filter criteria. You cannot export all call logs available on your account at once due to the large amount of data that you might have. You can only export them after filtering and downloading the results.

Set the filters to obtain only the data you need—all logs from a user with a certain call status, for example—and then, after the list is generated, press the upper-right button Export.

download call logs

This will save your report for any call logs with certain filters in an Excel format on your computer.

If your filters don't bring any results, the export will not succeed, and you will get an error. Add valid filters for the best results.

The exporting function is only available for Call Logs.

Push a recording to your CRM

Sometimes, for various reasons, some recordings are not properly sent to your CRM. If this is the case, access Billing & Logs > Call Logs, and then you will see in the right column a 🔁 refresh button. Pressing it will resend the recording to your CRM.

push recording to crm

Be aware that if you activate it multiple times, the recording will be sent to your CRM as many times as you click.

SMS Logs

Similar to Call Logs, you can view and filter for:

  • Time Frame - Select the start date and the end data, and hit Apply

  • Direction of text messages: Inbound or Outbound

  • From Number - The phone number you texted from

  • To Number* - The phone number you texted on

  • Content - Hover over Show Content and the message will appear. If you click on the box, the content will remain displayed. To hide it, click again on the box.

  • Price - Displayed per call. See more information about smrtPhone Pricing

  • CRM Item - This takes you to the call record in your CRM

SMS texts are charged per 160 characters. Texts that are longer than 160 characters will be charged as two messages, even though for most carriers they appear to the recipient as a single message.

find sms logs

When filtering by number, do not include the ➕ sign in front of the number. You can include a partial number, and the results will include all numbers that contain that sequence of digits anywhere in the phone number.

Example use case: search for all numbers with a specific area code.

You can export SMS Logs just like Call Logs. Head to SMS Logs, select your filters, and hit Export.

export logs

The Excel file will display the information you want exported according to the filters and timeframe you selected.

Video Logs

Video Logs are similar to SMS and Call, and can be filtered by:

  • User - Who placed the video call

  • Video Outcome - The automatic status added by our system to recognize the call

  • From Number* - The number used as Caller ID

  • To Number* - The call receiver

  • Time Frame - The period you want to see logs from

  • Duration - The video-call duration

  • CRM Item - This takes you to the video-call record in your CRM

find video logs

In all logs, you can Reset filters to start another search.

smrt Bonus - smrtDialer Logs

You can also download smrtDialer Logs from Campaigns. Read this article for more information about how to view Campaign logs

Finding Logs Outside of smrtPhone

For Calls and SMS, any User can find the logs within their CRM:

  • 🌐 Podio - Communications App (SMS/Call/Video)

  • ☁️ Salesforce - Tasks (SMS/Call/Video) and smrtPhone Logs

  • 🏔️ InvestorFuse - Activity and Communications Tab (SMS/Call Logs)

  • 🥷 REISift - Records (SMS/Call Logs/Video)

  • 🟧 Forefront - Contacts (SMS/Call/Video Logs)

  • ⬆️ Realeflow - Contacts (Item > Activity (SMS/Call/Video Logs))

  • 📼 Tape - Communications App (SMS/Call/Video Logs)

  • ℹ️ Invelo - Contacts App or the Properties App (SMS/Call Logs)

  • 🏘️ REI Software - Contacts (Item > Activity (SMS/Call/Video Logs))

  • 🥕 Carrot - Activity and Communications Tab (SMS/Call Logs)

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