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What does A2P 10DLC Stand for and why Should I Care?

The background history of the new requirements for business texting from local phone numbers.

Ellen Sluder avatar
Written by Ellen Sluder
Updated over 3 months ago

A2P 10DLC (or sometimes just A2P) is the shorthand telecom providers use to mean being an authorized sender of business-related text messages.

Being A2P compliant is a requirement to send outbound text messages using any cloud phone system like smrtPhone. Outbound texting is disabled until you are fully registered.

You register for A2P10DLC directly through the smrtPhone Trust Center.

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Overview: Background on A2P 10DLC

U.S. text/SMS infrastructure was not built to withstand the volume of business texting that occurs today. Plus, this channel is being abused by scammers and spammers - and US Carriers are taking action to protect their consumers.

The carriers have built a new channel specifically for business texting, with promised greater throughput and deliverability.

All business texting is required to go through this channel. Carriers consider any text message sent from a technology application to be considered business texting, even if it is person-to-person.

To gain access to this channel, you must have an approved business texting plan and identify which phone numbers from which you will be texting.

💰There are penalties for not registering! 🚫

smrtPhone is a cloud-based platform and we follow rules. None of our carriers will allow unregistered traffic. Unregistered traffic is blocked up until registration.

Any fines that smrtPhone incurs because of unfaithful activity on your account will be your responsibility!

What does A2P 10DLC actually stand for?

A2P 10DLC stands for Application-to-Person messaging using a 10-Digit Long Code phone number. Translation to layperson terms: it means you’re using software technology to send text messages using a local phone number.

The alternative methods to A2P 10DLC messaging are:

  • P2P - Person-to-person messaging that happens between two mobile carrier plans.

  • Short code - A five or six-digit number that brands use to push or receive messages. Often they are multi-tenant, with a keyword assigned to each brand. (Example.: “Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.”)

  • Toll-free - using an 800 number

  • OTT - Over-the-Top media service, which is direct messaging using the internet (Example: WhatsApp)

A2P 10DLC is a great way for businesses to reach customers because it allows for efficient communications at scale. You use a local, recognizable area code, which builds trust as you slide into consumers’ most guarded, urgent inbox.

All text communications on local numbers through any cloud phone system (including smrtPhone) are considered application-to-person (A2P) by mobile carriers that receive and deliver the messages to their subscribers.

The move toward verification requirements affects all communication providers.

This change is driven by the receiving carriers and is the new industry standard; it is not specific to smrtPhone. We are here to help guide you through the process and make it as easy as possible to comply with these new standards.

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Mobile Carriers Requirements

Mobile Carriers now require businesses who text to register.

As business-to-consumer texting has increased in popularity, there has been an increase in bad actors who abuse the channel. Because of mounting complaints, the three largest mobile carriers in America (Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile/Sprint) have decided to implement a verification method to improve the customer experience.

Short-code and toll-free messaging already require verification, and A2P 10DLC verification is the logical next step to build greater trust between businesses and consumers and provide consumers greater control over their message inboxes.

Benefits of Becoming A2P Authorized

As an authorized source of text messages, you will separate yourself from the spammers and scammers, improving the deliverability of text messages and increasing consumer trust. There will be dedicated routes for A2P-verified traffic, resulting in improved reliability.

benefits of becoming A2P authorized

As part of becoming A2P authorized, you will receive a Trust Score that states your reputation in the eyes of mobile carriers. Trust scores will be ranked low/medium/high. The better your trust score, the greater your deliverability speed and volume—you can send more messages faster.

Verification already exists for short codes and toll-free numbers, and studies show increased ROI for verified messages.

Benefits of A2P 10DLC include:

  • Improved deliverability due to separate channel

  • Higher volume/throughput capability than standard local number texting

  • Greater credibility of messages = more likely to garner a response

  • Less expensive than short codes

  • Exclusivity. No sharing of the number with other brands.

  • Voice-enabled numbers mean recipients can call you back if they choose. (Unlike short codes, which do not offer a voice option.)

  • Separated from spammers. Major mobile carriers are committed to keeping scammers separate from your brand.

What Happens if I Do Not Register for A2P 10DLC?

Unregistered SMS/MMS will be blocked and none of your receivers will get any message until registration.

Messages sent by unverified providers will be subject to heavier filtering by mobile carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. This means they will not allow any unregistered traffic to leave the sender's inbox.

Traffic from local long-codes to US Numbers without an A2P 10DLC tag is expected to fail. Carriers will not take escalations without A2P 10DLC registration.

How do I Register?

There are three steps to registering for A2P 10DLC:

  1. Complete a Trust Center business profile to verify your company's information. Approval should take 1 business day or may take up to 5 days

    Learn how to do this here
    Once your Trust Center profile is approved, you can:

  2. Register your brand for A2P. Approval should take minutes but could be up to 1 day.
    Once your company brand is registered for A2P, you can:

  3. Select and register for one of the two available A2P plans: Low Volume or Standard Brand.

  4. Create campaigns and register phone numbers

Once your plan registration is approved, you can add/edit the phone numbers you'd like to associate with the texting plan/campaign.


💡 Trust Score

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