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smrtDialer for Tape Users

Get the best of both worlds: power dial from CRM lists or uploaded spreadsheets

Georgiana Mirita avatar
Written by Georgiana Mirita
Updated over a month ago

As a Tape user, you have available both options to create a smrtDialer Campaign: either by pulling leads from your CRM or uploading an Excel file straight to smrtDialer.

All the information you need about smrtDialer can be found in our dedicated collection: smrtDialer - your Power Dialer and even in other collections of similar CRMs: Best Practice Guides to use smrtDialer.

Of course, the basic knowledge is easily accessible in the article smrtDialer for beginners and we strongly recommend seeing it!

This article is a guide to point you to all of the articles that we thought would be useful for customization, personalization, and working with our power dialer.

Getting Ready for smrtDialer

Creating a smrtDialer Campaign requires some careful steps. Starting with a solid Campaign strategy can be very useful when deciding to build a power dialing campaign.

It's important to remember that you can use smrtDialer with your free Tape plan. However, each smrtPhone user you want to be involved in your campaigns needs to have some of these conditions fulfilled, depending on the role you want them attributed to:

  • Activity Management - This permission grants access to customization functions, to configure smrtDialer, create, modify, or archive campaigns, assign Agents, view campaign reporting

  • Seat Management - Being assigned to a smrtDialer seat allows you to dial a campaign

  • Campaign Permissions - You can choose which of your agents run certain campaigns, by controlling Campaign's Permissions

CRM Preparation for Power Dialing from Views

If you decide to use CRM-based campaigns, you must prepare ahead of time. You need to have the views pre-created for them to be pulled in a smrtDialer Campaign. Set up the Team Views properly before creating the smrtDialer Campaign.

To create a new view, you'll have to go inside the App, click on the plus➕ near the Team View, add a name to this view, choose the layout, then you can customize the filters, and create a new view for your future smrtDialer Campaign.

Private Views are not visible in smrtDialer while configuring it. If you want to use a private view in campaigns, you must change it to a Team View first.

Now, with a new View created, you can head to smrtDialer and start a campaign. Again, this setup is only necessary for a CRM-based smrtDialer Campaign.

If you modify the View, save it before leaving, because it's now an unsaved view.

Pick a Type and Create a smrtDialer Campaign

When comes to types of campaigns, you can create both: leads pulled from your CRM or leads uploaded from a spreadsheet. There are small differences between them and you can find more information about it by reading these articles:

Excel Upload directly into smrtDialer - This is ideal for large lists of unqualified leads. These are for static/fixed lead lists.

Pulling a list from your CRM - Clients typically use this type for follow-ups with warm leads or leads that have gone cold. These lead lists can be dynamic, depending on your CRM parameters.

📁 Excel/Spreadsheet Upload

Dialing can also be done through uploading a list directly into smrtDialer and creating a finite campaign. Once you have your strategy, assets, and lead sources sorted and organized, you can quickly build your campaign and get dialing.

⭐ CRM Lead Lists

Once you have your strategy, assets, and lead sources sorted and organized and a View created, you can quickly build a campaign directly from Tape and get dialing.

Find all you might need here: smrtDialer Campaign Creation From Your CRM

Run Campaigns

To run smrtDialer Campaigns, you need to be assigned a seat inside smrtDialer. If you want to have control over the customization, you will need special permission inside the Activity Management section. Also, you can select specific agents for specific campaigns, by accessing the Permissions tab in Campaign's settings.

Once you get all set: users on seats, granted permissions (if the case), campaign settings, and CRM set, you can start running your freshly created campaign.

When comes to the two types, the only difference while running them is the way the call ends. If for a CRM- based campaign, all information is transmitted to your CRM once you finish the call, in the case of an Excel upload, you have to decide what you want to push on your CRM.

You will find in the linked articles information about how to put a call on hold or get in a conference if needed, how your calling agents can get a break, what is a call script and how can be used at its full potential or how to complete a call, adding a call status and their outcomings.

Auto-Resume Call and AI Voice Detection

While running smrtDialer Campaigns, among the many features and options that can be combined for the best result, there are two important features that might come in handy: Auto Resume and AI Voice Detection.

Under the Settings menu at the top, you can toggle on/off Auto-Resume Calling which will set whether you'd like a continuous calling - where the next call will dial as soon as the first is completed - or if you'd like to manually push the calls.

Read more about:

There is a lot more to be learned about smrtDialer and all are covered in the articles linked here. If you feel that something is missing or you find trouble customizing your smrtDialer, please do not hesitate to reach out to our amazing Support Team, every weekday from 9 to 9 EST.

learn more band for SD

💡 Seat management

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